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July13, 2013 Join the Westman Wilderness Club for a water hike, potluck, pontoon cruise and dance . Call Michelle or Kelly 204- 727-5612 home or cabin 204-966-7789.
July 13/2013 was a perfect day for a water hike up Snake Creek - it was just gorgeous! There were 7 of us and Sarge who enjoyed this hike - Laura, Trevor, Vincent, Allister, Jill, Kelly and Michele. We had hiked about 45 - 60 minutes when I said "oh I hope we find a bit of a hole - I'm getting so hot and would like to cool off". Well we came across the perfect spot where the beavers had damned up - the water was up to our waist - so refreshing! Following the hike we went to the Pettinger's cabin at Kerr's Lake for appetizers and a wonderful pot luck dinner joined by two others - Tim and Rachel. Unfortunately the rains fell so were not able to go out on the pontoon boat or enjoy our dance on the deck. Instead we visited in the cabin and ended the evening off with a few waltzes in the cabin. Great time by all!
Submitted by Michele Pettinger.
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