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Dec.1 , 2012 Join the Westman Wilderness Club for a hike/ski in the Brandon Hills.
Call Jackie 204-728-7685.
The scheduled hike/ski ended up being a snowshoe after some unseasonal (?) weather brought freezing rain to Westman. Not a lot of snow out there but enough. The temp was a mild -5C'ish with little wind causing the Hills to be mostly shrouded in fog.
Shannon, Eldon, Jackie, Fred and Dover shoed for 3 hours on the 'singletrack' trails on the North Face of the Hills.
Eldon spotted a well camoed grouse and then a porcupine in an oak tree. Dover treed numerous squirrels. There were lots of deer and wabbit twacks.
As an aside, the ski trails appeared well worn with a good base awaiting more of the white stuff.
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