Feb.10, 2013 Join The Westman Wilderness Club for a day ski on Grey Owl Trail in Riding Mountain National Park.
Call Di 204-571-0477.
Grey Owl day ski - Sunday February 10
Di, Eldon, Fred, and their faithful friends - Scotty and Dover - met Sherrie and Clarke at the trail head around 12.30. It was a little foggy, which made the trail a bit eerie at times - but it was as beautiful as ever. We had all seen the trail in better condition - but having stopped to make a fire at the warming hut and adjusted the wax - it wasn't long before we were at Grey Owls cabin. The glide was better on the way out - in fact, it was superb! The warming hut was toasty warm on our return - which is where we decided to wait for Sherrie rather than the parking lot. We then had a suprise visit from Robert - who had decided to ski in between delivering his calves! Further down the trail, we passed Mike on his way into the cabin. Once we were all safely off the trail - Clark invited us back to his cottage in Countryside Estates - where we enjoyed hot chocolate and some delicious munchies. Thank you Clarke and Carol for your hospitality - and hope we didn't make you late for dinner! After all going our separate ways - we finally arrived back in Brandon. Our fun hadn't finished! The moral in this part of the day - is that Eldon shouldn't reverse out of Di's drive way - and Di should keep her driveway clear of snow....that's all I'm saying! Thanks to everyone who made this a great day! Di Ingram