Dec 30-31, 2012.
Join The Westman Wilderness Club for an overnight ski trip for 2 nights into James Lake cabin in Turtle Mountain Provincial Park. Day skiers welcome too.
Call Di 204-571-0477
Eldon, Di and Scotty were the first at the cabin - with Donna and Aaron hot on their tails! Eldon and Di then skied back to the parking lot to meet up with Clarence later in the afternoon - and then the party began! Well it didn't actually - we were all too tired and had an early night! The cabin was prity cool for some of us at ground level - and eventually Clarence came down from the loft to start a fire - so that's how cool it got! After a lazy morning, Donna and Aaron went investigating around the lake, while Eldon, Di and Clarence went to meet up with Nadine, Bert and Judy at the parking lot. Nadine had an interesting excurtion to the boarder before she realized it was Adam Lake she was looking for - not James Lake! We all enjoyed a 'pot luck' supper new years eve - in true Westman Wilderness style! Di, Eldon and Clarence went for a night ski on the hills - OMG - we're still buzzing! We then all went out on Donna and Aarons cross country trail and skied by the full moon - it was amazing - and had sparklers out on the lake. Nadine was left behind in the cabin to mind Scotty and the fire....say no more about that! The card games began leading up to midnight - and with rum, wine and champagne flowing (thank you Eldon for the champagne) - the new year arrived! Thanks to everyone who came and made this a great start to the 2013! Di ingram