Feb 19
Cross Country Ski at Moose Lake Trail
We are planning on skiing the Moose Lake Trail. It is an 11 km loop, but it is also possible to just ski in as far as the warming shelter, which is 3.2 km from the trailhead.
Please contact Robert at 204 759 2412 for information or to let us know you are coming.
Feb 24
Hike in the Brandon Hills. Route to be determined
E-mail/Text Rick or Sue at sue.obm.palmer@gmail.com or 204 724-5380 for details
Mar 2
On Saturday March 02, 2024, Brian Ogilvie will be hosting a day hike in the Spruce
Wood Refuge which is located off the old highway to Carberry with the turn off adjacent to the Camp Hughes Wayside Rest area on PTH#1 east of Brandon.
Apr 13
Hike in Sprucewoods at the Seton Trails
Text: Kari at (204) 901-3047 for more details
Apr 20
Devil’s Punch Bowl Hike
We will meet in the morning at Trailhead
E-mail/Text Rick or Sue at sue.obm.palmer@gmail.com or 204 724-5380 for details and to confirm attendance
May 18 - 20
Two-night backpack in Sprucewoods.
Contact Di for more info
204-761-6698 phone/text
May 26 – June 1
Bicycle the Mesabi Trail in Minnesota
The Mesabi Trail is a 265 km paved trail that cuts through forests, past lakes, creeks and ponds, and connects 28 communities running east from Grand Rapids Mn. It is not a rail trail, so can be hilly in sections.
Check out the trail: https://mesabitrail.com/
We plan to have base camp and ride different sections of the trail each day, returning to the base each night, so we don’t need to carry a lot of luggage. Also, people can choose to ride shorter or longer distances each day.
Accommodations can include camping, cabins, or hotels. I’m waiting for information about a resort on the shores of a lake near Grand Rapids that has camping as well as three cabins.
For more information and to indicate an interest, contact Judy Bartel—204-720-7892 or judy.bartel@gmail.com
June 22
Hike the Turtle Back Loop Trail at Williams Lake in Turtle Mountain Park
Arron (text/call 204-761-5924) for detail