April 7 Join Eldon for white water paddling on the Little Saskachewan River. Call for more details 204-476-6434
April 11 Michele will host the third Westman Wilderness Club Cribbage Tournament.
Limited to 16 participants so call her today for more information 204-727-5612
April 14 Join Eldon for white water paddling on the Little Saskachewan River. Call for more details 204-476-6434
April 21 Join Eldon for white water paddling on the Little Saskachewan River. Call for more details 204-476-6434
April 28 Join Eldon for white water paddling on the Little Saskachewan River. Call for more details 204-476-6434
May 2 Paddle the Whirlpool River with Roger Winger. This trip will depend on water levels so it might happen before or after the May 2 date.
Call Roger early and he will keep you informed of any changes. Call 204-726-5293 to register or for more information.
May 5 Join Eldon for white water paddling on the Little Saskachewan River. Call for more details 204-476-6434
May 10 Day cycle with Judy either around Brandon or in the Brandon Hills Wildlife management Area.
Call for more information 204-727-4794
May 12 Join Eldon for white water paddling on the Little Saskachewan River. Call for more details 204-476-6434
May 18 Day hike in Riding Mountain National Park with Sue and Rick Palmer.
The exact trail will be decided closer to the event date depending on trail conditions. Call Rick or Sue for more details 204-724-5380
May 19 Join Eldon for white water paddling on the Little Saskachewan River. Call for more details 204-476-6434
May 26 Join Eldon for white water paddling on the Little Saskachewan River. Call for more details 204-476-6434
May 30-31 Di will coordinate an overnight back pack in Spruce Woods Provincial Heritage Park.
If you want to come for a day hike your welcome to do so on Saturday. Call Di for more information 204-571-0477
June 2 Join Eldon for white water paddling on the Little Saskachewan River. Call for more details 204-476-6434
June 9 Join Eldon for white water paddling on the Little Saskachewan River. Call for more details 204-476-6434
June 10 Join Judy for a bike ride from Minnedosa to Clanwilliam on the back roads. For more information Call Judy 204-727-4794
June 14 Annual meeting and pot luck supper. Call Di for more information 204-571-0477
June 16 Join Eldon for white water paddling on the Little Saskachewan River. Call for more details 204-476-6434
June 21 Day hike in Riding Mountain National Park with Di. Trail hasn't been chosen yet but give her a call for more information. 204-571-0477
June23 Join Eldon for white water paddling on the Little Saskachewan River. Call for more details 204-476-6434
June 30 Join Eldon for white water paddling on the Little Saskachewan River. Call for more details 204-476-6434
July 15 Michele will coordinate a water hike, potluck supper and dance at her cottage at Kerr's Lake.
Give her a call for more information 204-727-5612