Spring/Summer Events 2018
April 22
Day Hike with Fred and Jackie in Sprucewoods Provincial Heritage Park. Call for more information. 204-728-7685.
April 26 Thursday
Maureen wants to do some events mid week. She will lead a hike in the Brandon Hills Wildlife Management Area. Call for more information 204-725-3191.
May 19-21
Join Di for a long weekend backpack in Riding Mountain National Park. Call for more information 204-571-0477.
May 26
Day hike in the Brandon Hills Wildlife management area with Sue. Call for more information 204-724-5380.
June 2
Maureen will lead a cycle trip on the Elk Link Trail south of Onanole. This trail is built on the old railway bed. Call for more information 204 848-7572.
June 9
The Bald Hill hike in Riding Mountain National Park has been a favourite of the Club for years. Join James for a great hike with a stunning view. Call for more information 204-726-8351.
June 16
Join Di for a day hike in Riding Mountain National Park.This will no doubt be followed up with a trip to Wasagaming for ice cream. Call Di for more information 204 571-0477.
June 24
Join us for the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Westman Wilderness Club. Di’s place at 3pm. Short business/planning meeting followed by a pot luck supper. Please bring your own meat to BBQ, your choice of beverage and a dish to share. Call Di for more information 204-571-0477.
July 14
Day hike and water sports in the Lake Katherine area of Riding Mountain National Park followed by a weeny roast. Call Roger and Cheryl at 204-726-5293.