FALL / WINTER 2020/2021
November 12, 13, 14, 2020
Camping at Whirlpool Lake, Riding Mtn. Park.
Coordinator: Clarke Wilkie email: wc-wilkie@shaw.ca
Dec. 12,2020
Riding Mtn. Park ski Wasagaming. Stu Phillips 204-867-4046 or uts9151@gmail.com
For those not wishing to ski, there is a possibility the ice-skating area and trail is another option. Coordinator: to be determined.
Dec. 26, 2020
Moonlight ski of South Lake trail at Riding Mountain.
Contact: Robert Shwaluk at shwalukr@hotmail.com
Jan. 23, 2021
Ski Brandon Hills Contact: Judy Bartel at judy.bartel@gmail.com
Jan 27-29, 2021
Overnight ski into James Lake cabin at Turtle Mountains. Contact: Di Ingram at di.ingram@hotmail.com
Feb. 4-6, 2021
Winter camping at Riding Mountain Park, near Roger and Cheryl’s cabin. Contact: Roger Winger at: rwinger@mymts.net
Feb. 20, 2021
Ski at Riding Mountain, details TBA. Contact: Di Ingram at: di.ingram@hotmail.com
March 1st, 2021
Next planning meeting, possibly by Zoom again.
Other events may be added; if so, you will receive an e-mail and they will be added to