Fall / Winter 2021 / 2022 Reviews
October 23
Join Westman Wilderness Club for a hike on Saturday, October 23, at Langford Trails near Neepawa !
This hike is rated moderate and has some hills.
To participate in this hike, call or text Kari at (204) 761-0136.
October 30
On Saturday, October 30th, join Westman Wilderness Club to hike the trails of Squirrel Hills by Minnedosa. Feel free to have fun and add a little Halloween flare to your hiking apparel! 👻 🎃 🏴☠️
Please call or text Kari at (204) 761-0136 if you wish to attend.
November 6
Spirit Sands & Devil's Punch Bowl
CANCELLED November 11
Hike—Souris River Bend Trail
Rick and Sue Palmer
Email Sue: sue.obm.palmer@gmail.com
November 12-14
Winter camp in RMNP Lake Audy with day hikes on area trails.
Clarke Wilke
Email: wc-wilkie@shaw.ca or cell 204-232-9230
November 19
Moonlit ski—Grey Owl Trail
Robert Shwaluk
Phone: 204-759-2412 email: shwalukr@hotmail.com
November 26
Join Westman Wilderness Club for a cross-country ski on the Grey Owl Trail in RMNP. Total length of trail is 17.4 km.
For more information and to confirm your attendance, please call or text Kari at (204) 761-0136.
December 4-5
Moon Lake winter camping Event
December 12-13
Overnight Trip to James Lake Cabin
I booked James Lake Cabin at Turtle Mountain Provincial Park for a overnight trip on Sunday December 12/21. It will either be a Ski, or Snowshoe trip in. People can call or text me at 204-761-1764 for details of departure, and trail reports. I would say the trails are a moderate level of ability. People can ski in the short route which is 5K to the cabin.
December 17
Moonlit ski—Grey Owl Trail
Robert Shwaluk
Phone: 204-759-2412 email: shwalukr@hotmail.com
December 26
Di Ingram
Email Di.ingram@hotmail.com or phone/text: 204-761-6698
January 8
Ski- TBA
Di Ingram
Email Di.ingram@hotmail.com or phone/text: 204-761-6698
January 14th
Moonlit ski
Robert Shwaluk
phone 204-759-2412 email: shwalukr@hotmail.com
January 21 to 23
James Lake Cabin
Need names by Jan 14th
Di Ingram
Email Di.ingram@hotmail.com or phone: 204-761-6698
February 4th-6th
Winter camp
Roger Winger
Email: rwinger@mymts.net or phone: (204) 720-1464
February 26th
Ski: TBA
Email Di.ingram@hotmail.com or phone: 204-761-6698
March 5
On Saturday, March 5th, join us for a cross-country ski in RMNP. This will be a leisurely paced ski, but we may split into different speed groups. We will ski the long loop (8.4 km and rated difficult) of Compound Trail with the option to add the Lake Katherine trail (3.5 km and rated moderate) this Saturday. For more details and to confirm your attendance, please text Kari at (204) 761-0136 before 6pm on Friday, March 4th