Dec 13, 2015 Brandon Hills Hike
With 7 people assembled at the Brandon Hills parking lot we headed off for an afternoon hike. Bert, Judy, Shannon, Joy, Sue, Olwen and James headed off on the Fire Ant Trail hoping to burn off some of the calories consumed at the wonderful WWC Christmas Party the previous night. By the time we crossed over the ski trails and headed up the Burning Trail everyone seemed to be warmed up. We continued up along the ridge enjoying the trees that had each individual branch adorned with spikes of hoar frost. There was short a break up at the bench, for photos and other things, then we continued down the Burning Trail to the ski trail and on to the cabin to consume left over sweets from the Christmas Party. After this break, with new energy and possibly a sugar high, we set off toward the North Face Trail to loop back to the parking lot and complete our 8km hike. Goodbyes were exchanged and everyone headed back to Brandon.
Our route is the bold red one on the map below.