November 27 join Robert Shwaluk to ski the Grey Owl trail in Riding Mountain National Park. Call Robert at 204-759-2412 for more details.
November 28 join Judy Bartel for a ski in Spruce Woods Provincial Park and enjoy a lunch. Please call Judy for more details at 204-720-2412.
December 12 Rick and Sue Palmer will host the 2015 annual Christmas Party and Pot Luck supper at their home 20 Poplar Drive. RSVP to Sue if you plan on attending at 204-724-5380.
December 13 join Eldon Schmitz for a snowshoe in the Brandon Hills. Call Eldon at 204-476-6434 for more details.
December 26 Join Robert Shwaluk for a moonlight ski on Grey Owl trail in Riding Mountain National Park. Please call Robert at 204-759-2412 for more information.
December 31 – January 2nd there will be an overnight ski into James Lake Cabin in the Turtle Mountain Provincial Park. Day skiers are welcome on January 1st. Call Di Ingram at 204-761-6698.
January 10 Join Eldon Schmitz for a day ski in Spruce Woods Provincial Park. Call Eldon at 204-476-6434.
January 23 Join Di Ingram for a ski of the Yellow Quill trail in Spruce Woods Provincial Park. Call Di at 204-761-6698 for more information.
January 30/31 An overnight winter camp near Riding Mountain National Park will be held as well as a day snowshoe on January 31st. Please call Roger Winger at 204-720-1464 for more information.
February 6/7 join Judy Bartel for an overnight ski of Birches and Pumpkin trails near Roseisle Manitoba. Call Judy at 204-720-7892.February 28 join Eldon Schmitz for a day ski in the Turtle Mountain Provincial Park. Call Eldon at 204-476-6434.
March 5 Riding Mountain National Park will hold their annual Riding Mountain Loppet. Call 204-848-4037 or go to friends.rmnp@pc.gc.ca for more information.