Saturday February 28 - Day ski on Grey Owl in RMNP
Judy, Di and Scotty headed up to the park. It was a beautiful day, so we weren't surprised to see the parking lot almost full! Apart from numerous animal tracks, and huge piles of wolf poop in the tracks - it was almost in pristine condition! Thank you Steve for doing such a fantastic job at grooming in the cold weather last week end! It was an effortless ski, compared to skiing in -30 with absolutely no glide, so we were at the warming hut in no time at all. After starting a fire, we continued on to Grey Owl's cabin. The ice over the creek before the cabin had given way, so it was at that point we turned around. On arriving back at the warming hut - there was no room at the Inn! There were 7 skiers enjoying the warmth of our fire. We met at least 15 people either skiing or snow shoeing (not on the ski trail I hasten to add) - before we headed to Friends of Riding Mt for a hot cup of coffee! All in all, it was probably my best ski this season!
Di Ingram