Impromptu Brandon Hills Hike- Saturday, July 25, 2015
The forecast for a sultry Saturday & no plans on the WWC Calendar caused Rick & Sue to arrange an impromptu hike in the Brandon Hills, followed by a pot luck lunch & swim at their home.
We started at 10 am with James leading Judy, Rick & Sue on a 7.9Km trek in the Brandon Hills. We began on the North Face Trail, then South to the Burning Trail where we had a spectacular view of the Valley. It was a great hike, with plenty of foliage and wild flowers to admire, & a few geocaching opportunities. We noted that there was a lot of poison ivy in the area which we took care to avoid.
We spent a couple of hours in the Hills, then went to Rick & Sue’s for lunch & a swim where we were joined by Michelle & Pam (Sue’s mom). We wrapped things up at about 3 pm.