The -31 temperature with -38 windchill had Judy and Di hesitating Wednesday morning as they pondered a ski in Spruce Woods. When Judy saw that the forecast was for a high of -23, she hadn't given it another thought. Then we discovered that this high wouldn't be reached until late in the evening, and peak daytime temperature would be more like -27.
So we decided that discretion was the better part of valour--and went snowshoeing instead. Dressed for the weather, the cold wasn't a problem as we hiked into cabin 2 in Spruce Woods park. The trail was beautiful--newly set, with the groomers still at work. (We made certain that we didn't muck it up with our snowshoes). A bigger challenge was getting the cabin to heat up--even with the door open, we couldn't seem to get a blaze going that would take the chill off the air. Replenishing the wood was another challenge, as it had to be dug from under several feet of snow.
By the time we finished lunch, our toes were beginning to freeze, and we decided to head back to the parking lot, leaving two newcomers--skiiers from Portage la Prairie, to try to warm themselves with what remained of our fire. Then home to Brandon and Di's hot tub!
Stay tuned for another Wednesday adventure in two weeks time