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Di and Scotty, Rick and Sue, Robert, and Vanessa (her first outing with WWC) met at Poor Micheal's coffee shop in Onanole for coffee - and to assess the weather situation. There was a 'potential' storm heading our way - but it was a fast moving system - so we decided to hit the trail, but aware we would get wet at some point - it would just be a question of when!The original plan had been to go to Kinnis Creek on the Strathclair trail - but there was a 'high water level and travel not advised' warning - so we headed the 10 km to Whitewater Lake on Central trail. It wasn't long before the storm hit! Hail, thunder - the whole 9 yards! It was short lived, 20 minutes max, and we were on our way again. The amount of rain that fell in that time had put parts of the trail several inches under water. It didn't really matter - our boots were soaked through anyways. The creek on Strathclair trail would have been raging!By the time we reached Whitewater camp site - everything had dried up! We set up camp and relaxed. Robert managed to locate one of the dug out canoes from the German prisoner of war camps. It was hardly recognizable unless you knew what you were looking at though! We had a leisurely supper and enjoyed 'Piggy Pudding' (courtesy of Robert and Di). Note to Fred - enduring a 20 minute storm would have been worth it for just this!!! This is where Di learn't some things. You can eat raw potatoes - from Vanessa, and that powdered peanut butter does exist - from Sue! We stayed up (although I think some struggled) to see the most beautiful full moon rise above the trees.The next day started early for one reason or another, and we were back in Onanole for lunch at Poor Micheal's. A hiding place for WWC members? Ed and Linda Burridge and Kari Hume! A good time was had by all - I think. I'm still amazed that Vanessa - from having no back packing essentials - managed to get everything together in 24 hours - and all from stores in Brandon!Thanks guys for being good company through the thick and thin! Di
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