June 8,2013 Join the Westman Wilderness Club for a day bike . Location to be decided. Call Judy 204-727-4794.
On Saturday, June 8, Judy, Bert, Di, Michelle, and Judy's friend Andree' met at the Discovery Center for a .brisk ride around town. It was a perfect bicycling day. Heading East, we circled the town, taking bicycle paths to the Eastern Access route, following it around and heading back into town at First Street to connect up with the bicycle path again. We followed the bicycle path to its western terminus and then took a short piece of gravel road to 50th Street. 50th street was in great condition--nice hard-pack dirt with very little gravel--so it was a lovely downhill stretch to the bush trail that reconnected us with the bicycle paths leading back to the Discovery Center.
Not exactly wilderness, but for anyone looking for a nice, varied ride that you don't have to load up your car to get to, this is a great 20 km alternative!