Arthur, Di and Scotty met up to hike the 7 km into cabin 3 on the Epinette trail. It was a glorious day to be setting out for the first backpack of the season!
On arrival at cabin 3 - we met up with Marilyn (an ex member of the Wilderness Club) and her partner Tom - who were out training for the West Coast trail. Arthur, who initially thought he would camp out in the cabin for the night, set off back to the parking lot - with Marilyn and Tom hot on his heels to pick up the pieces if he got into trouble! Di and Scotty were then joined by another two couples, and a group of eight women from 'Experience Manitoba', based in Winnipeg. It was a beautiful evening by the fire - with the coyotes serenading us - but the clouds were moving in!
We woke the next morning to the 'pitter-patter' of rain on the tent. De ja vu? The backpacking season appeared to have picked up from where it left off last fall! However, it seemed to clear up by noon - and Di and Scotty set off for the 24 km hike to cabin 4. We actually stopped 300 m short of the cabin, and enjoyed the view from the top of the hill looking down over Jack Fish lake. The hike back to cabin 3 was in some light drizzle - but it eventually did clear up and the wind eased - ready for another beautiful evening by the fire with the coyotes serenading me again. Everyone else had left - did they know some thing I didn't?!
The next morning, I woke again to the sound of rain on my tent - but this time it was really pouring! Thank goodness for the shelter of the cabin to have breakfast and pack up my backpack. The 8 km hike out was wet and muddy - but the rain did stop. The drive home though, was absolutely horrendous! I was so glad I was off the trail - as the rain came down in buckets - I could hardly see where I was going!
It was just great to be back out on the trails - despite the weather. The boots are well worn in again now, and the home made dehydrated Moroccan stew was a real success! I hope to see you out there one day......... Di Ingram