The initial plan was to hike into cabin 3 on the Epinette trail. However, through the grape vine we had been informed that 50 scouts were on their way there, too! This called for an immediate change of plan - or to not go at all. Clarence knew of a way of getting onto the trail just 2 km further up from cabin 3 - so this seemed like an excellent way of getting into cabin 4, without hiking 20 km! So, Clarence, Di and Scotty set off on the 10 km hike - arriving at cabin 4 in the late afternoon, and Bert and Judy arrived a little later - just in time for supper. We did have some company of 6 other campers - but they had hiked the 20 km from the parking lot! It was obvious that a few were suffering from sore feet - and were wondering if they would make the return journey. At this point, it was also apparent that some necessary items had been forgotten by one of our group members....thank goodness for the cabin being available for 'emergency use only'! We listened to the coyotes calling and the birds singing - as we enjoyed the evening around the fire. The morning was warm and dry, and after a good breakfast - we set off to find our trucks. There were 2 bodies waiting for us! A couple of the other campers could only get that far, and were waiting for a ride back to the trail head to meet the rest of their group. I guess everything turned out 'OK' for everyone in the end!Thanks for joining me in the first backpack of the season - and lets hope there's lots more to come! Di Ingram