May25, 2013 Join the Westman Wilderness Club for a day hike on Reeves Ravine on the East Escarpment in Riding Mountain National Park. Call Alf 204-725-6268 or 204-729-1055.
May 25, 2013 Day hike on Reeves ravine hike
There were nine members, Janis Alf, Roger, Brenda, Shannon, Maureen, Maria, Marg and Millie of the Westman Wilderness Club who met at the Burls & Bitter Sweet trail head to hike the new trail Reeves Ravine in Riding Mountain National Park. The day was overcast and wet but everyone who had said they were coming arrived at 11 a.m. Upon arrival there was a parks closed sign across the road causing a lot of disappointment. Suddenly disappointment turned to joy when Park employee James arrived giving us the okay to go through and hike. Although the weather was a bit of a downer it did not stop the hikers excitement on being able to hike a new trail. It took us slightly under two hours to reach the top at Bald Hill trail. After a short lunch we swiftly made our way back down to the trail head. The estimated distance to the top and back was 10-12 kilometers. Maria took many pictures to send back to her Winnipeg mountain biker friends. The trail was a pretty good work out as you climb many feet up the escarpment but it was well worth it. At the parking lot it was time for good byes and head home. Hot chocolate was well deserved at Tims in Neepawa.