Day Hike, November 26/14 – Seton Trails, Spruce Woods Provincial Park
On Wednesday, November 26, six WWC members took advantage of a sunny day (and no wind!) and hiked the Sleeping Wolf Trail (5.8km), which is one of the Seton Trails in Spruce Woods Provincial Park. Di and Scotty, Judy, Maureen, Marlene, Hazel, and Brenda met at the turn-about on the corner of Hwy 1 and 1st Street for 11a.m. and car pooled to Seton Trails from there.
As soon as we got to the trail head, the first order of business was to get a fire started in the warm-up hut so that upon our return, we had someplace warm to have lunch.
This trail was a bit of an adventure as it was new to several of us. As with other trails in Spruce Woods Park, it was very well maintained and marked. The trail offers a nice variety of up-and-down, turns, and a range of scenery to make for a very enjoyable hike. It could easily become one of my favorites to hike and snowshoe but it’s more than I can handle for cross country skiing. The combination of steep hills, sharp turns, and my ability to stay upright on two slippery sticks doesn’t work well for me.
Despite the temperature hovering around the -17C mark, the sun was warm and the absence of wind made it a nice day for a hike. There was a skiff of snow on the ground which made it easy to watch for wildlife tracks but there was nothing. It was a quiet day.
Upon returning to the warm-up hut, we were greeted by the warmth of the wood stove and found it had enough embers burning for us to get the fire roaring again. Cozy warm for lunch! I could have stayed there all afternoon!
I’m planning on doing another mid-week hike Wednesday, Dec 3/14 – the Yellow Quills. I’m thinking of combining the Cree (5.1km) and the Ojibwa (1.8km). Hope you’ll join me!
Brenda Eamer