Six intrepid Wilderness Club members ( Roger B., James (in shorts), Olwen, Eldon, Linda and Robert) enjoyed a hike on the Gorge Creek Trail on Sat. Oct 24. The Brandon members linked up with Robert in Onanole and headed off to the trailhead on Hwy 19 then ferried vehicles to the bottom of the trail. We started off at about 11:30 with blue skies, a little cool and the first section of the trail a little wet from Friday's rain and the low over night temps, but were soon shedding layers as we warmed up.
Along the way we experienced the scent of the High Bush Cranberries, debated which tree stands were birch or poplar, and saw some Poison Ivy berries. We were able to bask in the sun at the break stop before continuing down the lower end of the trail. 3/4 of the way down we met a young couple who had started out while we were in the process of ferrying the vehicles prior to starting our hike. They were on their way back up - oh to have that much energy and good knees.
After reaching the lower parking lot we headed back up the road, with Linda in the back as cargo, to get the other vehicle and to say farewell to Robert. The Brandon crew returned to the city circuitously via the Rolling River road to Mountain Road to Hwy 10.
In all a great hike and day.
Roger Bright
Photo by James