Day Hike, October 29/14 – Yellow Quill Trails, Spruce Woods Provincial Park
On Wednesday, Oct 29, four Club members took part in a mid-week hike on the Assiniboine Trail (5.8km), which is one of the Yellow Quill Trails in Spruce Woods Provincial Park. Di and Scotty, Marlene, Arthur, and Brenda met at the Petro Gas Station on Hwy 1 and 10 for 9a.m. and from there car pooled to the Epinette Trails parking lot in Spruce Woods Provincial Park.
We started the hike by taking the 4km stretch of the Trans Canada Trail that runs from the Epinette Trails parking lot to Hut 2 of the Yellow Quill Trails, which is also the Assiniboine trail head. It was a nice day for a hike. Trail conditions were great and so was the weather. The trail was new to me and had I known the Yellow Quill had such a nice fire pit and picnic area, I would have brought some hot dogs! Despite seeing tons of bear scat (old stuff mind you) on the Trans Canada Trail, there was no wildlife in sight. Arthur kept us laughing for most of the hike as he recounted some of his hiking experiences from earlier days. Once we did the Assiniboine loop and made our way back to Hut 2, we stopped for lunch. Even though it was a nice day, there was enough chill in the air that you wouldn’t want to linger for too long. After lunch, we took the Trans Canada Trail back to the Epinette parking lot and called it a day. Round trip, we hiked 13.8km. Arthur extended an invitation to the group to stop by his cottage for hot dogs and hot chocolate but unfortunately some of us already had other commitments.
I’ll be doing another mid-week hike Wednesday, November 26/14 – the Seton Trails. I’m thinking the Sandhill Stage (4.2km) and Sleeping Wolf (5.8km). Hope you’ll join me!
Brenda Eamer