Di and Scotty set off from Brandon to meet Steve (guest from Winnipeg) at Minnedosa rest stop. Fred and Jackie were more than likely making their own way once they had got them selves together! The weather forecast was for blue skies and sunshine and temperature in the 30's - but it wasn't looking that way as we were driving up to the park. As we set off up the trail, we followed three horse back riders, but they were soon way ahead of us , and we enjoyed the 8 km hike to the turn off to East Deep Lake camp site. It wasn't long before we met up with them, though! One of the young 'green' horses was not going to go through a large muddy puddle. Being a narrow trail - it meant that none of us were going to go through the muddy puddle for rather a long time! Eventually we all continued up the trail - until we came across a large marsh. Steve investigated the beaver dam - and Di and Scotty followed him across, leaving the 'green' horse all but rearing and bucking at the thought of going across the marsh! We don't think they ever did get across. East Deep Lake camp site was as beautiful as ever. Sadly, our only wildlife was a Loon, some Bald-faced Hornets, some Pelicans, a Garter snake and a rabbit that tormented Scotty most of the evening! We, however, were tormented by black clouds all evening - and the rain fell just as we zipped up our tents - the timing was impeccable! Sunday was a beautiful day, and we had a fabulous hike out. We stopped at Katherine lake to enjoy more of the outdoors before hitting the road. It's a shame you forgot your tent, Fred, and could only do a day hike!!!
Di Ingram