Long Lake Hike Sep 13, 2014
There was an excellent turnout for the hike on the Long Lake Trail on Sept 13. Eight of us met at the Husky parking lot (Judy, Olwen, Di, Jackie, Fred, William, Lynne and myself plus 3 canine companions) and set out for the Long Lake entrance to the Park. Along route we were joined by Rochelle and Paul.
We arrived at the trailhead about 11:00 am and were joined by James who had spent the night with Bill and Carol at Rossman Lake.
The trail had been mowed and was in good shape. The group soon broke into 2 sections – those who wished to hike into Long Lake(11 km) and those of us who decided to go only part way.
Those of us that chose the casual hike went as far as the ranger’s cabin and stopped for a snack. We proceeded as far as a second creek crossing before deciding to return to the trailhead. The 6 others plus canine companions succeeded in reaching Long Lake. On the return trip this group was caught in a rain shower resulting in some rather wet hikers.
Following the hike we gathered for a pot luck BBQ wiener roast at our cabin. Unfortunately, Rochelle, Paul and William were not able to stay as they had to head back home. However we were joined by Carol and Bill as well as Grace and Marvin. Food was great accompanied by an appropriate amount of libation and wisdom.
DI, Judy, Jackie and Fred (plus dogs) stayed for the night. Judy bunked into the cabin while the others pitched tents. Since it was rather cool we started a fire in the cabin and passed the time playing cards while warming up.
Following breakfast the next morning we all went for a short hike around the pasture before packing up and heading for home.