Sept 19, 2015 Day Hike on Gorge Creek
The weather was warm, The sun shinning and the trees were in their full fall colours making for a perfect hiking day. Eleven hikers, Ed, Linda, Tim, Kelly, Joyce, Di, Shannon, Judy, Grace, Janis and Alf met at Onanole to car pool to the Gorge Creek trail head in Riding Mountain National Park. Before we could start hiking some cars had to be dropped off at the end of the trail at Burls & Bittersweet as the trail is not a loop and we were only going one way. The elevation at the trail head is 710 metres and 436 at the end. This may seem that it is downhill all the way but that is not true. There are many ravines where you hike down one side and have to climb up the other side. Length of the trail is 6.64 Km. A lunch break was held at the half way mark. After the hike everyone headed home except Di who was off on an overnight back pack trip with her sidekick Scotty.