Moon Lake Hike - Sept 20 2014
8 Club members (Roger, Di, Roger & Cheryl, Carol, Kari, Jacquie & Fred) plus 3 canine companions (Scotty , Dover & Keifer) participated in our Moon Lake hike on Sept 20.
After meeting for breakfast/coffee at Sportsmans Park Dining Room, we headed up hwy 10 in the rain to the trailhead at the Moon Lake Picnic Grounds. It stopped raining by the time we reached Moon Lake and the weather during the hike was slightly overcast with a few sunny breaks. With all the recent rain it reminded me of the song from "The Sound of Music" - "Climb every mountain, - Forde Every Stream", as there were lots of little streams and wet areas on most parts of the trail. We made good time to our lunch spot at the far end of the lake ( according to Fred's GPS)
No animal sightings, but lots of Moose tracks visible on the trail, especially noticeable in the wet/muddy spots.
After making it back to the picnic area our canine companions Dover & Keifer enjoyed a little game of "fetch the stick" in the lake to clean off the mud - the rest of us had to wait until we got home to clean our wet muddy shoes & pants.
Just as we got back into our vehicles to leave the parking lot to return home it started to sprinkle rain again - What timing!!!
Roger Bright
Special thanks to Kari Hume for the pictures