Ski Wasagaming - Saturday December 21, 2013

Judy, Jackie, Fred & Dover met Bert @ Friends of RMNP in Wasagaming shortly after 11am. Temp was -23 with beautifully sunny skies.After waxing our skis @ Friends new 'ski waxing station, it was off to the races. We did the outside loop of the Campground circuit which was freshly groomed and in great condition!We then settled in for a bowl of hot chili in the warm confines of the Friends building and later cooked bannock over the outdoor fire George etal of Friends, had on the go for this purpose.The bannock was delicious and the fire was toasty. Our time at Friends culminated in a 2 horse open sleigh ride courtesy of Kid + Colt from the Elkhorn who took us for a ride through the townsite.The day was still young so we skied Compound and Katherine trails and all had a blast! Once again the trails were freshly groomed and in fine shape.A stop @ the Elkhorn for hot chocolate and antipasto and we called it a day.Thanks Bert & Judy, Friends of RMNP and the volunteer groomers.
Merry Christmas!
submitted by Fred, edited by Dover
While enjoying the hospitality of the friendly staff at the lovely Friends of Riding Mountain facility, we talked about ways in which the WWC might partner with them to encourage outdoor activity and use of the park, and to ensure that it remains a year-round playground.
Probably the best and easiest things we can do are to spread the word that Riding Mountain Park is open for skiing and snowshoeing adventures in the winter, and to make sure that our use of the park is documented in a way that the government can see it. If there is a sign-in book (e.g. Grey Owl trail, Cairns Cabin) make sure we sign it. If we are Facebook users, comments posted on on the Friends of Riding Mountain page are evidence of public interest.
And, for anyone who doesn't know about it, the Friends of Riding Mountain facility in Wasagaming is open every weekend, and often during the week. Wax your skis in comfort and style before your ski, or enjoy a coffee or hot chocolate to warm up later.
Judy Bartel