2016 Spring / Summer
May 15
Alf Stanley is leading a hike in RMNP Grey Owl Trail to warm up shack then over to Lake Kinosao. Please call Alf at 204-729-1055 for more information.
May 21 & 22
Di Ingram is leading an overnight backpack in Spruce Woods Provincial Park. Please call Di at 204-761-6698 for more information.
May 29
Judy Bartel is biking the Trans Canada Trail Highway 10 to Sandy Lake. For more information please give Judy a call at 204-727-4794.
June 4 & 5
Robert Shwaluk is organizing a horse trail riding and camp at Lake Audy. Bring your horse and have some fun. For information please call Robert at 204-759-2412.
June 11 & 12
Di Ingram back pack in RMNP. Call Di at 204-761-6698 for more details.
July 1 to 4
Sue and Rick Palmer are hiking the Tilson Lake Trail in Riding Mountain National Park to Cave Campground for an overnight stay. Please call Sue or Rick at 204-724-5380.
July 10
Annual General Meeting and planning session with be held at Di Ingrams home. Please RSVP to Di Ingram at 204-761-6698.
July 14
Kelly and Michelle Pettinger will lead a hike in Riding Mountain National Park followed by a pot luck supper. Please call Kelly or Michelle for information about the hike at 204-204-573-6405.
July 16
Roger Winger will lead a hike on Brulee Trail in RMNP followed by a picnic, canoeing, paddle boarding, and swimming at Lake Katherine. Call Roger at 204-720-1464.
Aug. 20
Michelle and Kelly Pettinger will host a water creek hike followed by a pot luck supper and dance on their deck. Call Michelle at 204-720-1464.