Spring 2021 Reviews
Saturday, March 6th
Bead Lakes Hike, RMNP
Kari Hume: 763-4940
Saturday, March 13th
James Lake Hike/snowshoe/ski (depending on weather and trail conditions) Turtle Mountain National Park
Kelly and Michele 204-727-5612
Saturday, April 10th
“Wine and Cheese Hike” (Spirit sands, Spruce Woods Provincial Park)
Rick and Sue Palmer 204-724-5380
Sunday, April 18th
Crocus Hike, Lauder Sand Hills
Ron Evancio and Judy Dandridge 204-648-4078
CANCELLED Sunday-Monday, May 22 to 24th
2 night back-pack, Spruce Woods Provincial Park
Di Ingram, 204-761-6698
CANCELLED Sunday, June 6th
Souris River Rendevous (Kayak/canoe)
Ron Evancio and Judy Dandridge 204-648-4078
June 12-13, 2021
Sprucewoods Backpack
Tuesday, June 22nd, 7:00 p.m.
AGM Roger Winger
Other events may be added; if so, you will receive an e-mail and they will be added to