July 8-9
Di will lead an overnight back pack in Riding Mountain National Park. Please call Di at 204-571-0477 for more information.
July 15
Roger and Cheryl will lead a hike in Riding Mountain National Park to be followed by water sports and a lunch at Katherine Lake. Please call Roger at 204-726-5293 for more information,.
July 30
Eldon will lead a paddle on Whirlpool Lake in RMNP. Please call Eldon for more information at 204-476-6434
Aug 5 – 6
Di will lead a two night back pack and hikes in Riding Mountain National Park. Please call Di at 204-571-0477 for more information.
Aug 12
Rick and Sue will lead an event to be announced. Please call them at 204-724-5380 for more information.
Aug 26
James will lead a hike in the Brandon Hills The hike will either be 8km or 14 km depending on participants. Hike will circle the ski area without travelling on any ski trails. Please contact James at 204-726-8351.
Sept 9
Judy will lead a bike excursion and camp – details to be determined. Please call Judy at 204-727-4794.
Oct 14
Rick will lead a hike in Spruce Woods to the punch bowl. Wine and cheese to be enjoyed at the rest stop. Please call Rick at 204-724-5380.
Sept 23
Eldon will lead a day bike trip to Whitewater Lake in Riding Mountain National Park. Please call Eldon at 204-476-6434 for more information.
Sept 30
Di will lead a bike excursion – details to be determined. Please call Di at 204-571-0477 for more information.
Oct. 7
Alf and Janis will lead a hike on the Gorge Creek tail in Riding Mountain National Park. Please call Alf at 204-729-1055 for more information.
Oct 21
Roger B will lead a hike at Moon Lake in Riding Mountain National Park. Please call Roger at 204-724-0729.
Oct 23
Fall Meeting of the Westman Wilderness Club at Alf and Janis’. Please call Alf at 204-729-1055 if you plan on attending.
Oct 28
Di will lead a hike on the Moon Lake trail in Riding Mountain National Park. Please call Di at 204-571-0477 for more information.