Summer / Fall 2017 EVENT Reviews
July 8-9
Di will lead an overnight back pack in Riding Mountain National Park. Please call Di at 204-571-0477 for more information.
It was going to be a hot day - so Judy, Di and Scotty started out early from Brandon. After collecting coffee in Onanole, and after bumping into friends, we headed to the North Bison enclosure parking lot. It was only 8 km to Kinnis Creek, but Scotty was already struggling with the heat - and we had to stop for a 'cool down' every 15 minutes or so. We encountered some very unusual birds - Heron in shape - but not color, sounding like a cross between a duck and a goose. We'd have to look in the book on our return! Anyway, we were all pleased to see the creek! Scotty's ears pricked up and the pace quickened, and I swear he sizzled as he stepped into the water!
We enjoyed the rest of the afternoon in the shade. After supper, and in a more reasonable temperature for hiking, we ambled further up the Strathclaire trail. As it got dark, the full moon started to rise - it was just beautiful! A few Loon's were heard calling, too.
We really wanted an early start in the morning, we were not going to put Scotty through that heat again. He did much better on the return journey - thank goodness!
On our way home, we stopped in Wasagaming for an ice cream - Scotty knows exactly where the ice cream shop is! We also 'checked out' from our back country pass at the office. Our unusual bird sighting matched the description of an American Bittern - but apparently they are not found in Manitoba, according to my book. However, Olivier (in the office) was able to confirm that this was an American Bittern - and has been sighted before in the park. I guess we were really lucky to have spotted them!
Thanks for joining us Judy! Di Ingram
Aug 12
Rick and Sue will lead an event to be announced. Please call them at 204-724-5380 for more information.
Saturday, August 12
Bike Ride Around Brandon
(Event Write-Up Provided By Rick :)
Nobody was able to join us for our cycle around Brandon, so we headed out ourselves. Sue was in charge of the route (BIG MISTAKE!!), and because we were on our own we (she) took the liberty of adding a few unplanned stops.
We cycled down the bike path on 34th, avoiding barricades at 34th & Willowdale and 34th & Victoria. We proceeded along the dike over to the Discovery Centre where we hung out for awhile. We then voted (???) where to go next, and decided (Sue has the deciding vote on all split decisions) to visit Winners. Many purchases later, we headed over to Lady of the Lake for lunch (meatloaf sandwich for Rick, and some fancy salad with pansies in it for Sue). A
little more shopping (where we ran into club member Jackie), then we worked our way home again. So... not your typical WWC outing, but a fun, relaxing day!
Oct. 7
Di will lead a hike on the Gorge Creek tail in Riding Mountain National Park. Please call Alf at 204-729-1055 for more information.
Judy, Andree, Kerri and Di headed up to Riding Mountain National Park to enjoy this beautiful hike. We started from the lower parking lot - to get the harder bit done first! The plan was to meet Clark and Carol on their way down - and they would hike back up with us to their car. We met - almost exactly at the halfway point - what excellent timing! We all enjoyed lunch and a chat at the top - before we headed back down the trail. We met lots of other hikers along the way - first of all on their way down - and again on their way up. I think we all agreed that we did it the right way round - struggle up , then roll down! It was a beautiful day and fall colors just delightful. We had to do the obligatory coffee stop in Onanole - last one of the year! Thanks to everyone for making it such a great day! Di
Oct 14
Rick will lead a hike in Spruce Woods to the punch bowl. Wine and cheese to be enjoyed at the rest stop. Please call Rick at 204-724-5380.
Devil's Punch bowl and Spirit Sands Hike trip report, click here.
Oct 21
Cairns Cabin Backpack
Cairns Cabin Backpack trip report,, click here.
Oct 28
Di will lead a hike at Brandon Hills. Please call Di at 204-571-0477 for more information.
Judy, Bert, Andree, Di and Scotty enjoyed a hike in the Brandon hills. There was snow on the ground - and far more than we saw here in town! We completed the 7.5km loop - but Bert's GPS begged to differ. Apparently, we had done 8.5km...and we had already left the parking lot before it was tracking us! We were able to remove some dead fall off the trail as we went, leaving just a couple of trees that needed a bit more than a few hands to move. We were all then invited back to Andree's for a bite to eat. Thank you for the delicious soup (Andree) and the home made bread (Judy). Retrospectively, the Brandon Hills was a better choice of hike than Moon Lake. The thought of climbing over fallen trees every few steps wouldn't have been much fun!
Thanks everyone for the company! Di