Summer / Fall 2016
Aug 10
Judy will lead a hike in Spruce Woods Provincial Park. Call Judy for more information at 204-727-4794
Aug 17
Judy will lead a bike ride – location to be determined.. Please call Judy for more details at 204-727-4794.
Aug 20
Michelle and Kelly will host a water creek hike followed by a pot luck supper and dance on their cottage deck. Call Michelle at 204-720-1464.
Sept 3 – 5
Di will lead an overnight back pack in Riding Mountain National Park. Please contact Di for more information at 204-761-6698.
Sept 23
Judy and Bert will lead a camping, biking and hiking excursion in the Black Hills South Dakota. You will drive as a group and meet at the Black Hills. Call July for more details at 204-727-4794.
Oct 8
James will lead a hike in the Brandon Hills Wildlife Management Area. Geo Cache people are welcome. Call James for more information at 204-726-8351.
Oct 22
Roger will lead Gorge Creek hike in Riding Mountain National Park. Please call Roger for more information at 204-724-0729.
Oct 24
The fall meeting of the West Man Wilderness Club will be held on Monday, October 24 at Alf’s at 7:00 pm. Please call Alf at 204-729-1055 and let him know if you plan on attending.