Saturday July 6, 2019
Join James and the Westman Wilderness Club for a great hike with stunning views. His annual Bald Hill hike in Riding Mountain National Park has been a favorite of the Club for a number of years. Contact James for more information at jb2@mts.net. Additional details for the hike will be updated on the WWC website prior to the event.
Saturday July 13th
Roger & Cheryl - Lake Kinasao Hike and Lake Katherine BBQ
Join Roger for a hike starting on the Grey Owl trail, then over to Lake Kinasao and back to the start on the Brule trail (approx 1hr). Then join Cheryl at Lake Katherine for a pot luck BBQ at Lake Katherine . Feel free to bring a watercraft to use on the lake but remember to have a valid invasive species inspection. Call for more details 204-720-1464
Saturday July 27th
Di Ingram Riding Mountain National Park hike.
Call for more details 204-571-0477
Saturday August 10th
Laura Eberling Bunclody hike, lunch at the park and short trip to the landslide & riverbank.
Call for more details 204-573-2800
Event Review
On August 10th, a group of devout Outdoors men women and children ventured to bunclody to hike the Great Northern rail bed, despite impending bad weather. Led by Laura, the group of 13 individuals included Di, Cheryl and Roger, Rick , Burt and Judy, and their family of guests (6) fromQuebec .
Starting at the bunclody park we traveled up the track bed- approximately 100 feet up. We followed the trail for 3 km.
This Railway originated in Bannerman North Dakota and ended in Brandon. The plan was to extend the line to the Pas and Hudson Bay but it was never realized. Most of the 60 some miles of track that was developed was done by local farmers in a two-year period. Between 1906 - 1936 this rail carried passengers, Freight, and mail. But, the cost was deeper than the company had intended it 2,540,000 because of the competition from the CPR and no public subsidy of land or money, and the rail was decommissioned in 1937.
We were able to see the cement Culvert 2 meter Square which runs underneath the grade. As I led the group down the Winding Trail to the bottom , I thought to myself that Burt will probably take the more direct route of straight down. He did not disappoint me. Waving at the bottom was Burt and a couple of young followers . We also saw a caboose that had disconnected from the train in 1917, and a thrashing machine on the edge of a barley field.
The Flora was varied and admired for the number of berries. The only fauna seen was an owl at the start and a herd of Black Angus cows who were surprised by our presence, and stampeded off through the trees. Luckily, we were able to get back to the vehicles before the rain became heavy. A pleasant, interesting morning for all. Thanks to the three landowners who gave us permission.
August 20-26, 2019
Join the Westman Wilderness Club for a major event at Waterton Lakes National Park. Sue & Rick will be hosting an event of camping and a variety of day hikes, ranging from easy to difficult, in this beautiful wilderness area. You should confirm early to ensure getting a campsite with the group. Updates will be provided to interested participants as it gets closer to the event. Contact Rick or Sue at 204-727-5483 or sue.obm.palmer@gmail.com
Event Photos.
Saturday September 7th
Sue & Rick Whine & Cheese Hike to the Devil’s Punch Bowl at Sprucewoods Provincial Heritage Park.
Call for more details 204-727-5483
Saturday September 28 (added Aug 19).
Hike Gorge Creek RMNP. Kari Hume leading: I’ve never led a hike before, so this will be interesting. I can’t remember exactly how long it takes to hike Gorge Creek. I would say we can meet at 10:00 at the East Trailhead, closest to the East Gate. Depending on who comes, we could then decide whether we want to leave a vehicle at that trailhead, then drive up in another vehicle to the west parking lot and just hike downhill one way, then drive back up to the west trailhead. If we feel ambitious, I would say we would start at the bottom of the trail, go up the first part, then it’s downhill the rest of the way back to the parking lot.
People can email me at this address karihume83@gmail.comor text me at (204) 761-0136 if they would like to attend. My cell service is not very good at home, so calling my cell might be difficult if I’m at home. If they call at home, I might miss their message if I’m already at the lake (which I am most of the weekend).