1st – Join Rick an Sue for a Canada Day Bike around Brandon (weather permitting). See attachment. Call 204 724-5380 or sue.obm.palmer@gmail.com
11th – Join Roger and Cheryl for a hike to Lake Kinasao . We will start on the Grey Owl trail then cut over to lake Kinasao then take one of the Brule trails back to the parking lot. We will then go to Lake Katharine for lunch. No pot luck sharing this year due to covid 19. Call 204 724-7527 or 204 720 1464 for more information.
8th - Join Stu for a “Backroad Ramble“. This will be a bicycle event. Starting point is Roseisle, MB (see attached map and information sheet.) Contact Stu Phillips at uts9151@gmail.com
16th - Join Robert at Shoal Lake bicycle event 20 km - highway 16th at Robert’s mostly gravel or pavement. Picnic/snacks - bonfire at Robert’s. Call Robert at 204 759-2412
CANCELLED 13th - Join Ron and Judy for a canoe/kayak at Souris upstream from Crescent park on the Souris River. Call Ron 204-648-4078.
19th - Join Rick and Sue for their annual wine & cheese hike at Spirit Sands Call 204 724-5380 or sue.obm.palmer@gmail.com
26th to 28th - Clarke is organizing a backcountry cycle in RMNP. Plan is to meet at the Lake Audy Bison Enclosure at 10 AM Saturday September 26th and cycle along the Central Trail to Gunn Lake, set up a base camp for two nights, an optional ride later Saturday to the Baldy Lake trailhead. Sunday, ride west and north along the Central and Sugarloaf trails to the Sugarloaf north trailhead and return to our camp for a second night. Monday ride back to the Bison Enclosure. Map here.
For more information wc-wilkie@shaw.ca or text 204 232 9230.
Clarke Wilkie
4th – Join Ron for a hike in Lauder Hills this was cancelled by COVID in the spring
MEET at 32 Juniper Bay and convoy from there. Call Ron at 204 648-4078.
5th - 7 pm planning meeting at Roger and Cheryl’s call 204 724-7527 or 204 726-5293 if attending or if you have an event to include.