WINTER 2019/2020
October 2019
Stu will get back to us with a date for a hike in the Squirrel Hills in Minnedosa.
Judy will do a hike TBA (to be announced)
November 2019
7-9th join Clarke Wilkie in a late season camp out at Lake Audy or Whirlpool Lake Call 204-232-9230 to join Clarke
December 2019
January 2020
11th join James for a hike or snowshoe at Brandon Hills. About 2 ½ hours hiking with a stop for snacks and refreshments on the trail. Contact James at jb2@mts.net for more information or to sign up for the event.
31st , Feb 1&2 join Roger Winger for a winter camp not too far from our cabin and close to Riding Mountain National Park. This event uses canvas tents with wood stoves. If you don't have any experience with this type of camping please call Roger 204-726-5293 to discuss equipment needed and to decide if you want to try it out. There is limited space in the tents so call early to make arrangements.
We also welcome anyone who wants to come up for the day and snowshoe around the campsite.
February 2020
1st Grey Owl Ski.
March 2020
10th next WWC meeting at Roger and Cheryl's house . Call or text to 204-724-7527 if you plan to attend or if you have an event to include in the planning meeting.
14th Join Rick on a hike TBA